osprey – tth’ihwtth’uhw
[Pandion haliaetus (Linnaeus)] • The osprey is a member of the bird family that includes the eagles and hawks. Often called “fishhawk”, the osprey flies and hovers over water looking for fish. When it sees one, the osprey dives steeply and hits the surface of the water with its talons outstretched to catch the fish.
tthu kw’am’kw’um’ tth’ihwtth’uhw Osprey, a big powerful bird
’eenthu tth’ihwtth’uhw.
I am osprey.
thuhiws tsun sqw’ulesh.
I am a big bird.
’een’thu hay ’ul’ kw’am’kw’um’.
And I am very powerful.
yath tsun ’uw’ stutes ’u tthu qa’ ni’ ’utl’ tl’upalus, ’i’ tthuw’ mukw’ shni’s tthu qa’.
I can be found near the salt water, at Cowichan Bay, or wherever there is water.
’i’ xwum ch ’i’ ’uw’ ts’elhum’utham’sh kwunus ni’ hwshashupus.
And you can hear my whistling or chirping call as I fly overhead.
ts’hwule’ tsun ’i’ ni’ tsun yu kwal’hwthi’num’ ’u kwunus ni’ yu lhalhukw’ yu tsitsulh.
You can see me soaring over shorelines, patrolling waterways with my white head gleaming.
tl’eluqt tthunu t’ut’eluw’ nu shlhalhukw’ ni’ st’e ’u tthu lhq’utssulhshe’ ’unchus kws tl’eluqt-s.
I have a wingspan up to seventy inches.
Hul’q’umi’num’ description by Ruby Peter | Sti’tum’at and Bernadette
Sam | Sti’tum’atulwut.